Distorted Reflection
Archive - November 2008
Paris, UK 01/02/04, 12PM, COOLPix5700, F/4.2, 71.2mm 1/92.2
Different languages; I have taken this picture because I found amazing the superposition of expressions. The first thing I saw in this picture was the word "Danger", this allows me to find the formal French text “Défense d’escalader: Danger ….” But this interdiction seems obsolete because other expressions in graffiti languages have erased this message. We do not know the meaning of these graffiti (a protestation certainly) but this superposition creates a nice picture.
Green Wall
London, UK 15/10/08, 12PM, D300, lens Sigma 30mm F/1.4G, 30mm 1/125 sec, F/1.4, ISO 200.
Imagine that you are in the Amazonian forest at the bottom of a temple. This place has been lost from the civilisation for thousands of years. You are in the heart of this rainforest trying to find the entrance of this monument … It is good to dream at the entrance of Regent's Park. This wall has not been cleaned for a while and I hope it will stay like this for a long time.